When Is a Good Age to Start Using Botox?
Given that Botox is an extremely popular anti-aging injectable, it’s not surprising that patients often want to know: When is a good age to start using Botox?
Is Dysport Better Than Botox?
Dysport and Botox are two of the most-requested neurotoxins in the world. Naturally, women and men considering these anti-aging injectables often want to know: Is Dysport better th
All About Forehead Botox in Frederick MD
Whether we realize it or not, a lot of our facial expressions, such as frowning or looking surprised, are produced by movement in the forehead.
What Are the Different Types of Lipo in Frederick MD?
While most people know that liposuction is a fat removal procedure, they may not be aware that there are a variety of surgical and non-surgical lipo options to consider.
How to Find the Best Botox Injector
While a highly-skilled injector can make Botox look like a simple procedure, that practically anyone could do, this is not the case.
What Is the Difference Between Botox and Fillers?
Botox and dermal fillers are two of the most popular cosmetic treatments and have the ability to erase lines without surgery, incisions, anesthesia, and downtime.
The Long Term Effects of Botox
Botox has long been touted as a three-month treatment, however have you ever stopped to consider the long term effects of Botox?
How Baby Botox Can Turn Back the Clock
Baby Botox is the new hottest trend when it comes to women and men who would like to receive the age defying benefits of Botox in a subtler way.
Jeuveau vs. Botox
Move over Botox, there’s a new neurotoxin on the street by the name of Jeuveau. In this article we will discuss Jeuveau vs. Botox.
All About Botox
Botox in Frederick, Maryland has become a staple anti-aging secret for millions of women across the area, so it is no surprise that you may be curious about this famous treatment.