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Dermaplaning MD

Bye Bye Peach Fuzz

Dermaplaning exfoliates dead skin cells and vellus hair using a 10 blade, revealing smoother, brighter skin.

Vellus hair, affectionately known as peach fuzz, is fine and light in color. Once shaved, it will not grow back as dark hair but will return as soft, peach fuzz. Dermaplaning is perfect for blondes and redheads who are not candidates for laser hair removal, which targets dark hair.


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After dermaplaning, patients who use medical grade skincare products can expect increased product penetration and see better results from their creams and serums. Other benefits? Smoother makeup application, increased cell turnover, reduced pigmentation (more even skin tone!), and reduced fine lines.

Our esthetician, Mandie, pairs dermaplaning with a customized facial, including an Environ alginate mask. The alginate mask removes toxins, hydrates, and leaves skin glowing!


[media_video url=”” width=”600″ height=”400″ __fw_editor_shortcodes_id=”4a75f0c0905b1ab5dd69d5ac01e7e440″ _fw_coder=”aggressive”][/media_video]Dermaplaning is the perfect procedure for pregnant and nursing patients who have limited options for cosmetic procedures. Mandie also recommends dermaplaning in between IPL photofacials, microneedling, and chemical peels to maintain results and to prepare the skin for treatments!

Dermaplaning with customized facial is on special for the month of August for $100! (Original $125)


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