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What’s Missing From Your Acne Regimen?

Topical acne treatments found over-the-counter or by prescription may reduce the number of breakouts but you may find that you still have clogged pores. Now is the perfect time for a customized acne facial!

Acne treatment at Hagerstown Dermatology and Skin Care is not one-size fit all. We tailor your regimen and treatment based on a variety of factors including your skin type, the types of breakouts you experience, and your lifestyle. 

A customized acne facial by Mandie is the perfect service to take your acne regimen to the next level. To start, she will cleanse the skin with a gentle, pH balanced cleanser. pH balanced cleansers are important because they help keep the acid mantle of your skin even to control the amount of sebum produced. 

[media_video url=”” width=”600″ height=”400″ __fw_editor_shortcodes_id=”ff052bc7cd7ebef1d8a753a88547d59a” _fw_coder=”aggressive”][/media_video]Efoliating with an enzyme product is best for acneic skin. Using an over-the-counter product with apricot seed grounds can tear up your pores and cause more redness and inflammation. 

Steam is used to dilate the pores in preparation for exfoliation. During exfoliation, clogged pores are expertly extracted manually. 

Applying a toner based on your skin type, dry, oily, or combination, will close the pores and get your skin ready for a customized mask.

The mask adds nutrients into the skin, detoxes impurities out of the skin, and absorbs excess oil.

Mandie finishes her customized acne facials by applying a moisturizing treatment and sun protection for acne-prone skin. By having your skin professionally exfoliated and breakouts extracted, your skin will be left primed and ready to get the most benefit from your prescribed skincare regimen. 

For the month of August, get $25 off an acne facial with your purchase of a 3-piece Environ Skincare acne kit!

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